
College level programs are designed to immerse students in Crystal Springs Foundation's 530 acre Living Laboratory. There is a variety of amazing wilderness experiences available for your group. Our educators are flexible and want to give your students the best experience possible. If there is a program or experiment that you would like to do, please let us know and we will work with you to execute the program that you want.

Most programs will include a hike through our amazing habitats and a trip across our boardwalks.

Ask us about our internship opportunities.


River Biodiversity

Grades: University
Capacity: 1 class
Length: 2-3 hrs
Description: Prepare to get wet!! Your students will perform an indepth Benthic Investigation of the Hillsborough River. Groups of students will be given a 10ft transect of the river where they will be responsible for completing several tests and experiments. These tests include turbidity, dissolved oxygen, a biodiversity survey, and stream flow. Our Benthic logs are molded after those used by the USGS. Students and chaperones should come in clothing and closed toed shoes that can get wet. NO FLIP FLOPS!!!!!!

Freshwater Chemistry

Grades: University
Capacity: 1 class
Length: 2-3 hours
Description: This program is an in-depth hands on class. While exploring the various habitats at Crystal Springs Foundation, students will collect water samples from each. They will bring the samples back to the lab and using chemical tests, students will compare dissolved oxygen, nitrate, and pH levels of their samples. Our educators will lead the students in a brainstorm session using their results to determine the health of our habitats.

Tech Trek

Grades: University
Capacity: 1 class
Length: 2-3 hrs
Description: Challenge your students with our wilderness geocaching course! Explore Florida's wetland habitat while using hand held GPS units. Walk over the karst rock topography of the woods and river. Students will work together in teams to map their course and learn about native plants and animals along the way.